As has been pointed out several times, it's a really bad idea to have the same-named class in multiple plugins. The Objective-C runtime will load the first class instance it finds (in your case, in the first- loaded plugin). For all other plugins, when the class is referenced, that first class instance is used, so calling [NSBundle bundleForClass: [self class]] will cause it to return the bundle for that first plugin, no matter which plugin is asking. This answers your question about code knowing its containing bundle. You made an assumption about where the plug-in's code was loaded that turned out to be incorrect.

If you want to use the same class code for each plug-in, I would suggest that you use a #define to rename the plug-in class at build time, and add a per-target definition containing a unique class name. Then your common class would be renamed automatically for each target. If you have to specify the plugin class in, say, your Info.plist, you could use the same build definition.


@implementation PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME

The benefit of going with this model is that you still maintain a single code base for all of your plugins, even though the class is renamed on a per-plugin basis; you eliminate the "which plugin am I" problem you're running into now; and you don't have to worry about having an older plugin version that happens to load before a newer version, thus forcing all the newer plug-ins to use the older plug-in code.

On Nov 15, 2009, at 3:36 AM, Motti Shneor wrote:

Thanks, but the bundleWithIdentifier has its own problems.

1. The identifier is (as far as i know) accessible only from the bundle itself, which I don't have! I'm circling around here, without access to my own resources! Must I hard-code the bundle identifier as a string constant within each of my plug-ins?

2. Even if I DO follow this rule, how can I manage to distinguish between two bundles that include the same plug-in but from different versions?

They have the same class, and the same identifier!!!!

Really, Isn't there a way for a library (dll, dylib framework etc) to know what is its containing bundle?

On 10/11/2009, at 19:42, Douglas Davidson wrote:

On Nov 10, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Motti Shneor wrote:

Thanks guys, but you may have not read all my message ---

The [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];

is unusable for me, because I have many plugins that build from the
same code, and export the same class (of course --- the same class

Obj-C has no name-spaces, and so, If you load 2 such plugins, and
use the [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] in each of them
independently --- you'll get erroneous answers! both of them will
return the same bundle although they come from different bundles.

This is hardly a system "bug" because there are no namespaces, and
for the same class name there is only one bundle.

As others have said, don't do this. However, to answer your question,
the other way to locate your bundle is via bundleWithIdentifier:.


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