On 15 Dec 2009, at 14:22, Development wrote:
> I am trying to post data to NSString * url = [NSString 
> stringWithFormat:@"ipp://%@:%i/%@",host,[service port],item];
> Which as you can see is an ipp address. However the code below fails as I get 
> an error from the NSError that I am using an unsupported url. Obviously if I 
> send it as http:// all I get is the cups page. So the question then is how to 
> format this url or how to send the request.

This is more of a question about IPP than about Cocoa... start reading up on 
how IPP works.



Once you've figured out how to properly format the request, just call it HTTP 
and send it off. If you're still just getting the CUPS page, your request isn't 
formatted properly._______________________________________________

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