Hi Andreas,
You're not clearing "text" - you're clearing UILabel reference in your code:

self.nameLabel = nil;

If you wan't to reset just text then: self.nameLabel.text = @"";
(or any way you prefer depending on UI requirements),

With your current code you just sending message to nameLabel = which
is actually nil in your -(void)updateLabels method,
Peter Blazejewicz

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Andreas Grosam <agro...@onlinehome.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following issue:
> There is a label "nameLabel" which text needs to be set from a certain field 
> in the dictionary.  I don't want to set the label's text property directly in 
> the main thread's method - instead I use an NSString instance called "name" 
> to store the text. This is an ivar, see property declaration below.
> Before the thread is finished and returns, it schedules the method 
> -upadateLabels on the main thread which finally sets the label's text 
> property  (shown below).
> - (void) updateLabels
> {
>    self.nameLabel.text = self.name;
> }
> One *important* observations is here:
> Before generating the URL request, I actually need a parameter which is asked 
> from the user via an interface.
> When the user starts to edit the input (a UITextField) the view controller 
> gets notified through a method, shown below.
> The purpose of this method is to clear the previous results.
> ** IFF I do not set the text property to nil, the NSString instance "name" 
> remains valid. So, it seems, that the string object will be *shared* - but 
> not copied. Hence the auto release pool does not dealloc the string. The 
> label's text property is declared as: @property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* 
> text
> This looks strange to me. Any thoughts?
> - (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
> {
>    // User entered editing: clear labels:
>    self.nameLabel = nil;  // if uncommented, the ivar "name" remains valid
> }
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