On Feb 2, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Richard Penwell wrote:

while (([inputStream streamStatus] & [outputStream streamStatus]) == NSStreamStatusOpening && [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]);

There are a couple of problems here...

(1) That test of the stream's statuses looks wrong. NSStreamStatus is an enumeration, not a bit-field type, so and'ing two values together doesn't create a meaningful result. I think the test you want is ([inputStream streamStatus] == NSStreamStatusOpening || [outputStream streamStatus] == NSStreamStatusOpening)
i.e. "wait until both streams are no longer opening".

(2) Running the runloop in default mode is quite dangerous, because it'll be receiving and processing all kinds of activities like user events, perform-after-delay calls, delegate calls from asynchronous operations, etc. All of these will be running re-entrantly in the middle of your open method, and this can cause really strange things to happen. If you must crank the runloop this way, make up a custom mode string and use that.

(3) At a higher level, it would be better to design your code so that it didn't have blocking semantics. You're going against the grain of the way Cocoa works here. In general, in an API like this, the 'open' call should return immediately, with a later delegate call or notification to let the client know when the status changes.


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