John, I suggest reading:


On Feb 2, 2010, at 11:02 AM, John Nairn wrote:

> I copied code from Cocoa documentation to create a custom field editor. It 
> gets created OK and seems to work, but always crashes when the the window 
> closes with the message
> Program received signal:  “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
> sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
> I created the custom editor in the window controller using code from Apple:
> - (id)windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow *)sender toObject:(id)anObject
> {     
>    if([anObject isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
>    {  if(!customEditor)
>       {       customEditor=[[BrowserFieldEditor alloc] init];
>               [customEditor setFieldEditor:YES];
>       }
>       return customEditor;
>    }
>    return nil;
> }
> When the window controller is deallocated, it calls
> [customEditor dealloc];
> Finally, the entire custom editor, which is NSTextView subclass, is
> @implementation BrowserFieldEditor
> - (id)init
> {   if(self=[super init])
>    {   NSLog(@"init field editor");
>    }
>    return self;
> }
> - (void)dealloc
> {    NSLog(@"dealloc field editor");
>    [super dealloc];
> }
> @end
> The "init field editor" message appears when created and the "dealloc field 
> editor" appears just before the crash.  If I change the window controller to 
> not release the custom editor, the crash stops, but the "dealloc field 
> editor" message never appears (i.e., a memory leak). Also the Apple 
> documentation explicitly says:
> The custom field editor should be released in an appropriate place, such as 
> the dealloc method of the window delegate object (if the field editor was 
> never instantiated, therelease message has no effect and is harmless).


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