On Jun 1, 2010, at 9:00 PM, Development wrote:

> That's pretty much where I started with this code. However it's still fuzzy.
> I can scale the view itself and it's perfectly clear but the origin is all 
> messed up and it's offset halfway out of it's parent view. thats what I tried 
> here:CGContextScaleCTM(context, scle,scle);
> I've attempted to scale the bounds of the view itself, redraw the content and 
> then adjust the size  of the scrollview's content but that ends up being the 
> same mess as before. I was hoping I could get a little more information on 
> rendering an image.

The tiled layer will generally only be sharp when you have a power of two zoom. 
If you are willing to do a LOT more work you can make this better, and a 
reasonable starting point might be the ScrollViewSuite tiling example. That 
example however scales down larger images, which may still be fuzzy in some 
cases (for example line art). Getting pixel perfect zooming however is 
difficult and to rather performance intensive for something like PDF.

You could also try just using a UIWebView for displaying PDF if it does what 
you need.
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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