I am fetching some XML weather from Google:

<xml_api_reply version="1">
<weather module_id="0" tab_id="0" mobile_row="0" mobile_zipped="1" row="0"
<city data="Framingham, MA"/>
<postal_code data="01701"/>
<latitude_e6 data=""/>
<longitude_e6 data=""/>
<forecast_date data="2011-06-07"/>
<current_date_time data="2011-06-07 12:38:31 +0000"/>
<unit_system data="US"/>
<condition data="Sunny"/>
<temp_f data="69"/>
<temp_c data="21"/>
<humidity data="Humidity: 66%"/>
<icon data="/ig/images/weather/sunny.gif"/>
<wind_condition data="Wind: NW at 3 mph"/>
<day_of_week data="Tue"/>

What I am really after is the current_conditions data. How can one specify
WHERE in the XML to use the attributes from? A lot of the information is
repeated in other nodes so I can't just check (if([elementName
isEqualToString:@"condition"]){) , how can I check if the current element is
within a specific tag? (In this case the parent is current_conditions)?


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