I want to display glyphs which do NOT have a Unicode representation.

Currently I use Font Book.app to search for the Glyph and then code (following 
suggestions in Technical Note TN2079):

        NSGlyph glyphNbr; 
        NSString *familyName = [ font familyName ];

        if      (       [ familyName isEqualToString: @"Thonburi" ] )
                glyphNbr = 28 ;
        else if ( [ familyName isEqualToString: @"Tahoma" ] )
                glyphNbr = 1163 ;
        else if ( [ familyName isEqualToString: @"Microsoft Sans Serif" ]       
                glyphNbr = 907 ;
        else            //      unknown font
                NSLog(@"%s Error unknown font %@",__FUNCTION__, familyName);
                return NO; 
        NSGlyphInfo *glyphInfo = [ NSGlyphInfo glyphInfoWithGlyph: glyphNbr  
forFont: font  baseString: selectedString ];
        [ textStorage addAttribute: NSGlyphInfoAttributeName  value: glyphInfo  
range: selectedRange ];

But what to do in case of Arial Unicode MS (which has 50377 glyphs) ?

Generally: is there a better, more general way to get my glyph?

What I want is a NSFont method like
- (NSGlyph)glyphSimilarTo: @"ฐ"  but: @"WithoutTheLittleCedillaBelow".

Unlikely that such a method exists (or could exist) - but is there at least 
something like:
- (NSArray *)variationsOfCharacter: @"ฐ"

Kind regards,



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