I'd like to know how to how to write my own MissionControl/Exposè replacement 
for Mountain Lion.  I am very new to Cocoa, and this might be my first project 
with Cocoa.

For those of us who think it might not be possible, it is already done in 
TotalSpaces (http://totalspaces.binaryage.com).  Whether its a good idea to 
write a basic OS feature replacement remains to be debated.

I am wondering how to do the following basic things.

1)  I am going to need to know how to get a list of all open windows including 
full-screen apps.  I'll need to iterate over these and get a preview image of 
these.  How do I get this?  Will the technique work for all apps written is any 
framework, or will it only work for apps written in Cocoa?  What about legacy 
Carbon apps?

2)  I'll also need to get notified that a particular window was resized, so 
that I can update my thumbnail images.  MissionControl thumbnails are live---as 
the source window updates, the thumbnails also update.  I'd like to support 
this, and would like to know how.

3)  Once the user selects which windows to bring to top, I'd like to 
programmatically hide the others that don't belong to the current Space.  How 
does one hide a window?

4)  Animation.  I have read a book on Core Animation, so I know some bits and 
pieces.  I am thinking that I will need to create a CALayer, draw every 
thumbnail on it, place the CALayer on top of everything on the desktop, do the 
animation, and then hide the CALayer.  

5)  I'd like to control the action that the window is about to take when the 
user clicks the minimize button.  How does one do this?  I'd like to perform my 
own custom animation.

6)  And finally, I'd like to intercept CMD-TAB and like to do my own thing.

Any pointers on these topics will be greatly appreciated.  I'll also like to 
know if someone has done an open source project that does similar things so 
that I can get the idea.

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