On 31 Oct, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Rick Mann <rm...@latencyzero.com> wrote:

> On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King <r...@rols.org> wrote:
>> how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must 
>> be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge .. 
>> ) you can use to do what you're doing. 
> Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I CFBridgingRetain() 
> my NSObject as I pass it into CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() (via 
> CFSocketContext), then I can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my CFSocketCallBack, 
> it can (will) get over-released, because that's called multiple times. So, 
> obviously I can't do that.
> The only place I can release it is when I CFRelease() the socket. But there's 
> no way to release my object without compiler sleight-of-hand.
> -- 
> Rick

I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease for 
the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info paramter 
with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the CFSocketContext. Job 
done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you during 
CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it before ARC 
releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket deallocs. 

You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership to 
Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking ownership and 
releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've told it to use in 


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