Oops, forgot my question:

How can I work around this problem? I need to install the popover button item, 
but I don't have it.

I tried setting the delegate in IB, given that it's all visible in the 
storyboard, but it won't let me set the split view delegate across scenes.


It seems that when using storyboards, UISplitViewController gets loaded and 
calls its delegate before the related view controllers even get loaded. I'm 
trying to set my right-side view controller as the delegate in its 
-viewDidLoad, but at this point it's too late, and the willHide delegate method 
is not called, and consequently the popover button is not installed.

Really, the related view controllers' -viewDidLoad methods should be called 
before the split view controller's -willAppear (which is what triggers the call 
to the delegate method). Barring that, the split controller should call the 
willHide delegate method should only be called after the related view 
controllers have loaded.



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