On 21 Nov 2012, at 10:56, Andreas Grosam <agro...@onlinehome.de> wrote:

> I've defined a class Foo that defines a block via a property:
> @property (copy) void (^progressHandler)(RXProgressState progressState, 
> NSInteger totalBytesWritten, NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite);
> The property is synthesized by the compiler, ARC enabled.
> The block is usually invoked on a private thread for several times until an 
> action finishes (an asynchronous NSURLConnection).
> A client of class Foo should be able to set the block property at any time 
> from any thread - that is it should also be able to set the block to NULL.  
> Now, I'm worried about thread safety.
> First, is it a good measurement to use a property with the "atomic" attribute?

Not really, as your block may be released (by the setter) between getting the 
block and invoking it.

> Secondly, I'm invoking the block as follows (from within a 
> NSURLConnectionDelegate method):
>    progress_handler_block_t block;
>    if ( (block=self.progressHandler) != NULL) {
>        block(RXProgressStateStart, 0, self.source.size);
>    }
> since it appears to me, that
>    if (_progressHandler) {
>        _progressHandler(RXProgressStateStart, 0, self.source.size);
>    }
> or 
>    if (self.progressHandler) {
>        self.progressHandler(RXProgressStateStart, 0, self.source.size);
>    }
> isn't thread safe.
> Your comments are welcome! 

Grand Central Dispatch is your friend.
@implementation MyClass

static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
static dispatch_queue_t dispatchQueue;

typedef (void(^ProgressHandler)(RXProgressState progressState, NSInteger 
totalBytesWritten, NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite);

- (void)setProgressHandler:(ProgressHandler)progressHandler
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^
        dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("RXProgressQueue", 

    dispatch_sync(dispatchQueue, ^()
          if (_progressHandler != progressHandler)
              [_progressHandler release];
              _progressHandler = [progressHandler copy];

- (void)progressHandler
    return _progressHandler;

- (void)callSite
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^
        dispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("RXProgressQueue", 
    dispatch_sync(dispatchQueue, ^()
         ProgressHandler handler = [self progressHandler];

Tom Davie

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