On Feb 20, 2013, at 2:12 PM, Oleg Krupnov <oleg.krup...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not exactly. Here is what the documentation says:
> backgroundFilters
> An array of Core Image filters to apply to the content immediately
> behind the layer. Animatable.
> @property(copy) NSArray *backgroundFilters
> Discussion
> Background filters affect the content behind the layer that shows
> through into the layer itself. Typically this content belongs to the
> superlayer that acts as the parent of the layer. These filters do not
> affect the content of the layer itself, including the layer’s
> background color and border. They also do not affect content outside
> of the layer’s bounds.
> So basically it can blur/filter other layers. So my question remains -
> why doesn't it filter all layers below it, but only the immediate
> parent layer?

Because thats exactly what it said in the description you just posted.

The Core Animation render model is that you start from the leaves, projecting 
and flattening those layers into its parent recursively. As such when you place 
a background filter on a layer, that filter affects the area in the parent that 
is under that layer. At that point, from a rendering perspective at least, the 
layer and its effects cease to exist, having been flattened into the parent.

All the ways around flattening also disable filters (and other select 
properties of the layer) because getting them correct is reliant upon the 
flattening rendering model described above.

> What seems suspicious about it is that the internets are not full of
> bitching about this gaping shortcoming, the search yields nothing,
> which makes me think that it must be working perfectly for everyone
> else, and I'm just missing something obvious.
> Any help please?
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:51 AM, Graham Cox <graham....@bigpond.com> wrote:
>> On 20/02/2013, at 5:42 AM, Oleg Krupnov <oleg.krup...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In my understanding, if I apply, say, a blur filter to layer's
>> background (CALayer->backgroundFilters), all layers that are behind
>> that layer - that is, immediate parent, grand parent, etc. and all
>> children and siblings of those parent and grandparents that are lower
>> in the tree of layers - should appear blurred.
>> An experiment however shows that it's not the case. The background
>> blur filter only blurs the direct parent of the target layer, but not
>> its grandparent and other layers.
>> The same applies for compositingFilter.
>> Am I doing something wrong?
>> Or, if this is the way it should work as documented, how do achieve
>> the effect I want?
>> I think your understanding is incorrect. My interpretation of the docs is
>> simply that the background - that is to say, the background colour of the
>> layer - is filtered. If you think about how layers are composited, this is
>> the only interpretation that makes sense - how could a layer retroactively
>> apply a bunch of filters to things that have already been rendered?
>> Setting the filters on the root layer or on some layer further up the tree
>> should achieve the effect you want, though most likely you'll want the
>> compositingFilters rather than the background filters property.
>> --Graham
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