> Why would there be a simple way?

I can think of a few reasons: 

1. Using NSApplicationPresentationOptions, you can enforce the following 
programmatically: auto-hide the system dock, hide the system dock entirely, 
auto-hide the system menu bar, hide the system menu-bar entirely, completely 
disable the system Apple menu, disable process switching between apps, disable 
the ability to force-quit an app, disable app session termination, disable the 
ability to hide an application, disable menu bar transparency, present your app 
full screen, and auto-hide the toolbar. These are all clearly aimed at giving 
an app control of its presentation and environment. A very obvious reason an 
app would need to control its presentation is in order to control the content 
presented within. 

2. NSWindow allows you to specify the level of access other processes have to 
the window's content. Aside from the fact that is seems a bit bizarre that 
there's the ability to grant no access (NSWindowSharingNone, which doc states 
should prevent the window's contents to be read by another process), and a 
screen shot still works, the mere presence of this configurable parameter 
acknowledges the potential need of an app to secure its displayed content. 
Therefore, it doesn't seem such a stretch to imagine that if a window's 
contents were secured, that screen shots would follow right along as something 
desired to be turned off. 

> Screenshots and screen movies are how many apps are easily and quickly 
> documented by honest consultants and IT help desks; a vital tool. As a 
> developer, I know everyone else has full access to my UI and I theirs... no 
> biggie.

I get the sentiment, and I think it follows with most of discussions I've found 
elsewhere online about this that the general misperception about the need to 
turn off this ability stems from some draconian developer wanting unreasonable 
rigidity and control in an app like a game or something casual. I'm sure there 
are those folks out there who have such motivations. This is not one of them, 
and if interested in thinking this through, I would encourage a slight shift in 

Again, I am not at liberty to speak in detail about the specific use-case, but 
I can speak to the nature of the need. Ultimately, this is not an issue of 
needing to secure the app itself. The app is really just scaffolding if you 
will....a pipeline. The app is just a delivery mechanism -- but the content it 
is delivering needs to be secured. A few others have accurately mentioned an 
example which demonstrates this -- DRM -- for securing music, movies, books, 
etc. This is a great example, there's no particular need for iTunes to be 
secured (for the app itself), but the content it is delivering, that's another 
matter -- DRM has certain requirements, as do the copyright holding entities 
have contractual requirements for securing such.

The specific use-case I am dealing with isn't a music or movie sharing app, and 
the specifics aren't really important anyway. But I'm sure everyone can draw a 
distinction between someone trying to prevent screen shots of their favorite 
first-person-shooter game, and trying to secure private research, government or 
military information, or confidential documents. My use-case is in the latter 
category -- and the target of screen-shot prevention isn't necessarily even the 
user or a user's nefarious intent -- it might be other agents on the machine, 
or it might be preventing an accidental or arbitrary screen shot which gets 
left on a machine or is accidentally sent to a printer. 

So in a nutshell, shift the perspective -- this isn't an enemy-of-the-user 
thing. It is a help and safeguard for both the content provider, and the 
content consumer (user). I hope that helps to paint the picture a little 

> In all seriousness though, you may want to approach Apple DTS directly and 
> present your business case to them.

That is good advice. Thanks for the tip. 



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