Forgive me for having two questions in flight at once.  This is an entirely 
separate issue - and this might not even be the right forum for it.  I can't 
find a sandbox / app store forum to ask though.

My app should be able to launch itself at start up - but the helper app doesn't 
seem to work.  In fact, it doesn't even launch!  All I get is this error:

25/04/2013 12:53:33.376 xpcd[226]: (null): Code identity[pid: 
 is not in ACL for container: 
~/Library/Containers/com.PaxSoftware.DeviceInfoLoginHelperApp/Data -- allowing 

I haven't attached any source code because it's not getting as far as executing 
anything.  If anyone can suggest what I might look at (probably a plist, I'd 
have thought - so I've included those settings), I'd be most grateful.

Bundle identifier = com.PaxSoftware.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
Application is background only = true

The login helper App is included in the main app, and the code in the main app 
seems to function correctly:

- (IBAction)autoLaunchChange:(id)sender
// Creating helper app complete URL
NSURL *url = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]] 
// Registering helper app
if (LSRegisterURL((__bridge CFURLRef)url, true) != noErr)
NSLog(@"LSRegisterURL failed!");
if (!SMLoginItemSetEnabled 
((CFStringRef)@"com.PaxSoftware.DeviceInfoLoginHelperApp", ([autoLaunch 
autoLaunch setState:NSOffState];
        NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"An error occurred"
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Couldn't set DeviceInfo Launch State."];
        [alert runModal];


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