On May 21, 2013, at 04:35 PM, Martin Hewitson <martin.hewit...@aei.mpg.de> 

> On May 21, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Fritz Anderson <fri...@manoverboard.org> wrote:
>> [I'd accidentally posted my reply off-list. Bringing it back.]
>> The times I've autogenerated emails, I did so without thinking of alternate 
>> clients. On MacOS, I used -[NSWorkspace openURL:], which can be funky for a 
>> long or non-ASCII body, but could be made to work. The system should honor 
>> the user's choice for mailto: handlers.
> OK, I need to read some more about mailto handlers. I dipped my toe in this 
> while trying to figure out how to move away from the my old applescript 
> methods, but I kind of got stuck. I'm assuming one can do attachments in a 
> mailto url?

OK, after reading some about this, it seems that one can't have attachments 
with a mailto: handler on OS X. Is that correct? If so, I'm back to my original 
question: how can I robustly send a mail with the user's default mail client 
and be able to fill in all the details (recipients, subject, body including 
attachments). And I need this to work on 10.7 and 10.8. Anyone any good ideas? 
Seems like this should be a solved problem.

Many thanks,


>> But that may be hard to integrate with NSSharingService. Perhaps you could 
>> fall back on mailto: in the didFail… delegate method.
> I've no real desire to use NSSharingService. If I find a way to reliably send 
> a mail (with attachments) then I'll be most delighted.
> Cheers,
> Martin
>>      — F
>> On 21 May 2013, at 12:52 AM, Martin Hewitson <martin.hewit...@aei.mpg.de> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Fritz,
>>> I did take a look at the delegate callbacks, and 
>>> -sharingService:didFailToShareItems:error: is called when the default 
>>> client is anything other than Mail.app, but the error is 'empty' so 
>>> presenting it to the user doesn't reveal what's wrong.
>>> More importantly, this sharing by email doesn't seem to work for any other 
>>> app I tried when the default mail client is not Mail.app. Seems strange to 
>>> me. Do you have experience of sharing my mail working for, say, 
>>> Thunderbird? With any app at all?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>>> On May 20, 2013, at 05:00 PM, Fritz Anderson <fri...@manoverboard.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 19 May 2013, at 8:29 AM, Martin Hewitson <martin.hewit...@aei.mpg.de> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm exploring the use of NSSharingService for emailing (sharing) 
>>>>> documents from within my app. It's working fine if the system's default 
>>>>> mail client is set to Mail.app. But if it's set to, for example, 
>>>>> Thunderbird, nothing happens.
>>>>> I also confirmed the same behavior from the Share menu in Pages.app. 
>>>>> Works fine for Mail.app, but not for any other mail client I tried. The 
>>>>> user is not notified, just nothing happens. 
>>>>> Is this a bug or a feature?
>>>>> I really wish there was a solid way to send a mail from within an app on 
>>>>> OS X. With the whole sandbox/applescript debacle, I was hoping that 
>>>>> NSSharingService would at least work well on 10.8, but, apart from the 
>>>>> 'bug' described above, there seems to be no way to set the recipients or 
>>>>> subject of the mail.
>>>> You've described the user-visble behavior, but not the actual behavior of 
>>>> your code.
>>>> Have you registered a delegate and examined the content of 
>>>> -sharingService:willShareItems:, -sharingService:didShareItems:, and 
>>>> -sharingService:didFailToShareItems:error:? Do they get called? With the 
>>>> expected items? If didFail…, what was the error?
>>>>    — F
>>>> -- 
>>>> Fritz Anderson
>>>> Xcode 4 Unleashed: 4.5 supplement for free!
>>>> http://www.informit.com/store/xcode-4-unleashed-9780672333279
>> -- 
>> Fritz Anderson
>> Xcode 4 Unleashed: 4.5 supplement for free!
>> http://www.informit.com/store/xcode-4-unleashed-9780672333279

Martin Hewitson
Max-Planck-Institut fuer 
    Gravitationsphysik und Universitaet Hannover
Callinstr. 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49-511-762-17121, Fax: +49-511-762-5861
E-Mail: martin.hewit...@aei.mpg.de
WWW: http://www.aei.mpg.de/~hewitson


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