Le 7 août 2013 à 17:32, Andy Lee <ag...@mac.com> a écrit :

> On Aug 7, 2013, at 3:47 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas <devli...@shadowlab.org> wrote:
>> Instead of trying to use complex approach to hide the fact you need a 
>> global, just use one, and don't try to reuse the existing one for things 
>> there are not designed to do.
>> static id myCallbackHandler;
>> void someCallBack() {
>>      [myCallbackHandler handleCallBack];
>> }
>> - (void)foo {
>>      myCallbackHandler = self;
>>      callCFunctionWithCallBack(someCallBack);
>>      myCallbackHandler = nil;
>> }
> What if instance x does [x foo], and before someCallBack() gets called, some 
> other instance y does [y foo]?  There will be two future calls to 
> someCallBack(), and [y handleCallBack] will be called both times, which is 
> not the desired outcome.  This is a problem with any approach where the 
> callback looks in some global place, whether it's a static variable, a key 
> path from the app delegate, or whatever.

> Even if you are sure you won't run into the problem of the global variable 
> being overwritten, I think routing self through a global like 
> myCallbackHandler is more complex than:

If you intend to use it from multiple threads, so use a tls.

__thread id myCallbackHandler;

I was talking about the case where you have to deal with a poorly design API 
with no context pointer argument.
The case with a context argument should off course be handle the way you 

> void someCallBack(void *contextPtr) {
>       [[(MyClass *)contextPtr autorelease] handleCallBack];
> }
> - (void)foo {
>       callCFunctionWithCallBack(someCallBack, (void *)[self retain]);
> }
> or with ARC:
> void someCallBack(void *contextPtr) {
>       [(__bridge_retained MyClass *)contextPtr handleCallBack];
> }
> - (void)foo {
>       callCFunctionWithCallBack(someCallBack, (__bridge_transfer void *)self);
> }
> This assumes that the API includes a context pointer, but realistically, how 
> often won't that be the case?  (I don't actually know.)
> --Andy
>> Le 30 juil. 2013 à 15:44, Maxthon Chan <xcvi...@me.com> a écrit :
>>> My common way of handling this would be NSNotificationCenter. It is a 
>>> singleton so I am always sure that it is there, and I can wrap all 
>>> parameters into the userInfo dictionary.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 2013年7月30日, at 21:19, KappA <rejek...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I sometimes just access my objc-objects from a C thread-proc via the
>>>> AppDelegate (providing there's a trail to the object I need, which there
>>>> usually is)... If the callback void pointer parameter isn't being used for
>>>> something else, you can simply cast the object in there... or if you need
>>>> multiple parameters you can create a struct that stores what you need and
>>>> pass that. Not sure if this helps but figured I'd mention it.
>>>> AppDelegate *d = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 8:53 AM, lowell <lowe...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> The first two parameters to the function have to be an id and a SEL ...
>>>>> typedef id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);
>>>>> ... (this is where we get self and _cmd, by the way) followed by the rest
>>>>> of the method params, if any.
>>>>> lowell
>>>>>> On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:59 AM, Vincent Habchi <vi...@macports.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>>> I have a very simple question: if I embed a C-function (more precisely,
>>>>> a callback from an external C-library) in an Obj-C object, can I expect
>>>>> this function to behave like a regular method? I.e. can it freely access
>>>>> ‘self’ and other attributes?
>>>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>>>> Vincent

-- Jean-Daniel


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