This feels like it should be a very basic question, but it's not one I've 
managed to find an answer to - can somebody here advise?

I have an objective c object which contains a number of properties that serve 
as parameters for an algorithm. They are bound to UI elements. I would like to 
take a snapshot copy of the object that will be used for one whole run of the 
algorithm (rather than risk parameters changing halfway through the run). i.e. 
I just want to do [myObject copy].

The complication is in ensuring this is threadsafe: ideally I would like to 
make the copy on a thread other than the main thread. My understanding is that 
properties themselves, even when designated atomic, are in some way not fully 
threadsafe, although I haven't found a clear explanation of exactly what makes 
them unsafe. I don't know if the 'copy' method is threadsafe or not, I am 
inclined to suspect not.

Is there any way, then, that I can take a copy in a threadsafe manner? If 
necessary I can do the copy on the main thread, but I would prefer not to have 
to do that for timing reasons. Any suggestions?


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