On Sep 13, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Rich Collyer <iseecol...@rsqrdc.us> wrote:

> I am looking at at view that covers the entire iPhone screen. The app is also 
> required to only work in Landscape. I see that in viewWillAppear the bounds 
> and center of the view are in Portrait mode - this is fine. However, in 
> viewDidAppear the bounds of the view are in Landscape, but the center is 
> unchanged. This makes the center of the view incorrect, which make 
> transformations wrong and any calculations based on the center of the view 
> wrong.
> Should the app force a new center on an orientation change?

The center property of a view is in its superview’s coordinate system. What you 
describe sounds like the view is the view that is vended by the window’s root 
view controller, which has the unique property that to enable rotation it is 
transformed rather than resized. This can lead to some unexpected geometry if 
you are looking at the “wrong” thing.

Basically what it comes down to is that a view (or the view controller which 
returns it as a its view) should not be looking at the geometry it has that is 
expressed in the parent coordinate system (frame, center, transform) and should 
not modify its own bounds, as these values are effectively “owned” by the 
view’s superview. In your case, the odd frame origin is likely due to your 
alternation of the view’s bounds, as setting bounds alters the frame (since 
frame is derived from center, bounds, and transform).
David Duncan


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