Thanks Jerry, Thanks Steve,

You guys rock!  If you're ever in London I definitely owe you beer!

On 17 Sep 2013, at 14:41, Steve Mills <> wrote:

> You might try overriding saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: 
> instead. writeToURL is at a very low level in the save operation, and if you 
> look at the stack, I bet writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error: is 
> one of the callers of writeToURL. What that does is first write the file to a 
> temp file, then if all goes well, moves it to the actual location, replacing 
> the original file if it exists. So you'll want to let that happen. But up in 
> saveToURL you should be able to point it to your new dir at a higher level, 
> before writeSafelyToURL does its thing.
> --
> Steve Mills
> office: 952-818-3871
> home: 952-401-6255
> cell: 612-803-6157


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