On Oct 10, 2013, at 9:40 PM, Carl Hoefs <newsli...@autonomy.caltech.edu> wrote:

> Lots of applications come to mind, if such a mechanism were available. To be 
> able to know when a certain song is playing in iTunes Radio and crank up the 
> volume,

There is (or used to be) an NSDistributedNotification that iTunes posts 
whenever the currently playing track changes. I don’t know if it’s documented 
anywhere, but you can discover what it is by writing a tiny app that adds an 
observer for all distributed notifications of any time and logs them.

> or to send out a text/email/tweet when certain notifications are posted, etc. 
> I would think this would be Generally Useful. Wish there were a way…

It could be useful. But it would be a very different facility, since the data 
posted in the notification would need to be machine-readable not human-readable 
— instead of a localized string you’d want something like an NSDictionary with 
well-defined keys. (The types of notifications sent out would likely be 
different too. For example, there’s no point displaying a visible notification 
when Mail sends a message, but an internal notification would be useful.)

Anyway, this facility already exists — it’s NSDistributedNotification. What 
you’re asking for is basically for more apps to support posting them, which 
isn’t a technical issue so much as one of evangelism.


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