On Feb 8, 2014, at 2:54 PM, Tito Ciuro <tci...@mac.com> wrote:

> For even more speed, consider turning off the following setting:
> http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous

(This is getting slightly off-topic, but…)

The only time I'd set synchronous to OFF is while populating a _new_ database 
file, as part of some sort of "safe save" process where you create the file in 
a temporary directory, write to it, and only move it into the real directory at 
the end.

Basically when synchronous is OFF it's entirely possible that a power failure 
or kernel panic could corrupt the database. (I've seen this happen several 
times. It's not just theoretical.) So don't use it on a database file that has 
any data you mind losing, or that's in a location where the user might try to 
re-open it later (because if she does, you'll get a support ticket about your 
app crashing or failing to open the file.)


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