German Anna, Chinese Mei-Jia, and Korean Yuna all speak my English text
(Shakespeare, actually, in my test case) with accents from each language.
I also verified Mei-Jia speaks Chinese from a Chinese play in my app, too.
 Do you get any calls in your delegate methods (you have set the delegate
on your speech synthesizer instance, right)?  One difference I’ve done is
to initWithVoice: with nil and later call setVoice:.  Also, I haven’t
tried this sequence myself, but I noticed in your sample code you’re
calling phonemesFromText: right after startSpeakingString:.  Maybe
phonemesFromText: is short-circuiting the speaking?  It’s been a while
since I’ve worked on my app, but I remember some calls will stop any
current speaking.
Gary L. Wade

On 5/14/2014, 11:15 PM, "Gerriet M. Denkmann" <> wrote:

>On 15 May 2014, at 08:41, Jens Alfke <> wrote:
>> On May 14, 2014, at 6:24 PM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <>
>>> But the only thing in 10.9.2 I found was NSSpeechSynthesizer, which
>>>has 24 voices (which is nice) but all 24 have VoiceLanguage =
>>>VoiceLocaleIdentifier = en_US (which seems rather odd).
>> The non-English voices are optional downloads — you can get them via
>>the Dictation/Speech system pref pane. Pull down the System Voice pop-up
>>and choose Customize…
>Thanks. Just did that.
>Did set System Voice to "Anna" (a German voice).
>Now, when I select some (German) text and do Control-Click → Speech →
>Start Speaking it just works. Very good.
>But this:
>NSString *voiceIdentifier =
>NSString *text = @"Der Osten ist rot.";                
>NSSpeechSynthesizer  *syn = [ [ NSSpeechSynthesizer alloc ]
>initWithVoice: voiceIdentifier ];      //      non-nil
>BOOL ok = [ syn startSpeakingString: text ];   //      returns YES, but does
>NOT speak
>NSString *pp = [ syn phonemesFromText: text ]; //      returns empty string
>does not work as expected.
>Same problem with all other voices I just downloaded. Only the default
>(en-US) voices work as they should.
>What am I missing?


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