On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:07 , Steve Mills <sjmi...@mac.com> wrote:
> (The main type is a package, if that matters.) The Save dialog correctly 
> shows my type at the top of the Type popup, it saves it with the correct 
> extension, and Finder shows that it's a package, not a folder. But when I 
> drag & drop the file to my app, the type given to documentClassForType: is 
> dyn.ah62d4qmuhk2x44pdra instead of my UTI.

>               <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key>
>               <array>
>                       <string>public.data</string>
>               </array>

The ‘dyn’ UTI means that something (presumably a .chest extension in this case) 
was converted to a UTI, but that no known UTI was capable of “claiming” it, so 
a new temporary one was created.

My guess is that it’s for one of two reasons:

1. Because this is a package, the UTI must be declared to conform to 
com.apple.package, not public.data. (According to 
 the “LMTypeIsPackage” key is ignored when a ”LSItemContentTypes” key is 
present. The list of sub-keys under ‘CFBundleDocumentTypes’, also says which 
other keys are ignored in this case, such as CFBundleTypeExtensions.)

So, right extension, wrong structure, and LS couldn’t figure out what you meant.

There’s a document somewhere that says how to configure a file type properly as 
a package and a non-package, but I can’t find it now. Non-packages should 
conform to public.content *and* public.data, IIRC, FWIW.

2. Because there’s an older, out of date app bundle on your system somewhere, 
and Launch Services is using that as its definitive source of information.


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