Thank you all very much. You know, I started this attempt by typing "[settings 
beginSheet" because I assumed all windows/windowControllers acted like 
savePanel, but XCode didn't give any code-completion suggestions for that. Then 
when I did some documentation research, I read that SavePanel's 
beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: was a convenience method that 
really called NSApp's method. So I switched to NSApp. (Thanks for the 
modernization info about [NSApplication sharedApplication], Quincey!)

In retrospect it's obvious I went down a bad path because (a) I tried to use 
the window controller as a window: my original statement should have begun with 
"[settings.window beginSheet", which would have netted the code-completion 
assistance I was expecting; and (b) when I researched alternatives, I found 
out-of-date documentation.

I appreciate you guys putting me right.



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