On Feb 16, 2015, at 12:30 , Ken Thomases <k...@codeweavers.com> wrote:
> A view controller and its view should be reusable in different contexts, or 
> at least designed as though it might be.

To round out the larger discussion for posterity, I’d add that when using an OS 
X storyboard, the picture is a little bit different.

In a storyboard, it’s probably not going to usual to split windows and views 
out into separate files, since the point of the storyboard is the integration 
of various large-scale UI elements (windows, views, controllers), and an 
important part of that integration is segues, which work within a storyboard.

(I say “probably” because I don’t think OS X storyboards are common enough yet 
for best practices to be well agreed on. Possibly, the most-agreed-on practice 
for OS X storyboards so far might be “don’t use them”, since developers who are 
used to old-school code workflows won’t see any particular advantage.)

The other thing that’s different: An OS X storyboard that contains a window 
will actually contain a window controller too, and at least a content view 
controller. When using XIBs, putting controllers in the XIB — though doable — 
is typically a code smell. In storyboards, it’s a necessity.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that OS X storyboards are compelling yet, but I 
think they will be eventually. We need to start factoring them into our 


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