On Mar 8, 2015, at 12:02 , Patrick J. Collins <patr...@collinatorstudios.com> 
> Except it seems to have a default unchangable width of 5px... ???

In IB, if you set the metrics inspector tab to “Alignment” rather than “Frame”, 
it shows as 1, not 5. The actual frame of the NSBox view isn’t important, if 
the view draws the line thickness you want and is transparent elsewhere.

> How can I get a simple 1px solid colored object that I can use for
> this purpose?

You don’t want 1 px, you want 1 pt. Thinking in pixels is going to get you 
messed up when it comes to retina displays.

A different approach is to use an image view, and design your own vertical line 
as an image. If you design the image properly, when you bring the image into 
your Xcode .xcassets file, you can get it sliced so that it’s stretchable 
vertically. (This is 10.10 only. In earlier versions of OS X you have to use 
the 3- or 9-part image drawing API to get the same result, which means you’d 
need a custom view.)

That way you can have a line that will adapt to any height, and can have a nice 
gradient treatment (for example) at the top and bottom. You could also make it 
wider than 1pt and partially transparent, except perhaps for a 1pt center line, 
so that it’s easier to see than a simple 1pt-wide shape, but it won't obscure 
much of what’s under it.


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