On Mar 26, 2015, at 16:00 , Graham Cox <graham....@bigpond.com> wrote:
> Your requirement isn't clear - do you want a sheet to appear as if unattached 
> to a host window, just floating in space? Even if you can achieve it, users 
> will simply assume your app is buggy. Ideas like this are never seen in the 
> wild for good reason.

I’ve been following this thread from the beginning, and have come to the 
conclusion that the OP was never interested in an alert or a sheet as such. I 
think what’s being asked for is just an anchored app- or window-modal floating 
panel that displays an error message. There really isn’t a standard UI element 
of this kind (that I can think of). The nearest would be a non-dismissable 
popover anchored at the point of the error.

If the intention is that the “alert” should be app-modal, then a modal NSAlert 
window has the correct behavior, but there are consistency reasons for not 
moving it from its standard position.

If the intention is that the “alert” should be window-modal, and positioned 
relative to the window, then a sheet with custom positioning 
(window:willPositionSheet:usingRect:) would have the correct behavior, but 
AFAIK custom sheet positioning is basically never done. (And I don’t know that 
you can force custom positioning on a NSAlert sheet.)

Without knowing more context, I’m not sure NSPopover is the right thing either. 
If not, it probably ought to be some kind of custom NSPanel.


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