On Apr 2, 2015, at 19:28 , Charles Jenkins <cejw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So after doing two anchored searches, one at the beginning and one at the end 
> of the string, if I get two different ranges, I’m stuck with two values that 
> aren’t subtractable to determine the length of the NSRange I need in a call 
> to attributedSubstringFromRange(). 

Not at all. All of this API is *NSString* API, even if the instance happens to 
be String instead of NSString, so the ranges are NSString-compatible ranges 
(i.e. UTF16 code value ranges), so you can just do the subtraction and use the 
result in attributedSubstringFromRange.

> I think the safest thing for me to do for attributed string compatibility is 
> give up on Swift purity and put my range-trimming function in an Objective-C 
> file.

Again, it’s all NSString API, so the results are what the Obj-C API would 
return. Otherwise, interoperability wouldn’t work.

If, additionally, you cast any String-returning result ‘as’ NSString, then you 
literally are doing Obj-C, though it happens to be created by the Swift 
compiler. That is to say, it’s going to make Obj-C-style method calls with an 
Obj-C-NSString-style object as receiver, so the source language is irrelevant. 

That, or I’ve run wildly off the rails.


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