On Apr 28, 2015, at 09:45 , William Squires <wsqui...@satx.rr.com> wrote:
> shows 15 rows

You keep saying “shows”, but you don’t say what this means. A table view can 
only “show” as many rows as can fit between its top and bottom bounds. The rest 
are “shown” by scrolling the view.

So, how many rows can fit on the screen? Assuming that’s less than 20, does 
every visible row “show” content, or are some of the visible rows blank? If you 
try to scroll the view, is there no scroll bar and no scrollability? If you can 
scroll it, do blank rows appear at the end?

TBH, it sounds like you’ve forgotten that UITableView doesn’t instantiate cell 
views for every row in the table, only for the visible rows plus enough nearby 
rows to make scrolling work smoothly. The rest are instantiated lazily as you 


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