Today I tried to find out how sessions and flow work together:Once you have called "cocoon.createSession()", this is true. Otherwise, a new global scope is created for each request.
1. If my tests are correct the global scope of a flow only lives as long as the session which the flow is tied to is active.
So if the session expires or you use another client to continue a 'waiting' function you only have access to the local scope within the flow function.Yep.
Yep (AFAIK)2. All scripts within a <map:script>...></> part share the same global context. If you want to share more objects you need another scope (request, session, context).
Is this description correct? If yes is this the intended behaviour?Yes !
From a technical point of view, are there any other possiblities of implementing the JavaScript global scope.Sure. Technically, all is possible !
If so has there ever been a community decision (vote) which of these possibilities is best?
I don't remember of a formal vote about associating the global scope to sessions, but this seems very natural as the global scope can be thought of as the permanent part of the application state, i.e. it is common to the various functions contained in the script. And most often, application state is tied to the user context which is the session.
I'm only asking because I'm curious - no offense to anybody!Hey, asking is not offending ;-)
-- Sylvain Wallez Anyware Technologies { XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }