Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > 
> > Why do we need DTDs to be included here? If they need to be in Cocoon
> > CVS, then shouldn't they be in WEB-INF/entities.
> > 
> The validate-xdocs task validates all our documents and uses the 
> DTDs from the documentation directory. As the "old" document-10 dtd
> was already there, I thought it would be the natural place to put
> the newer dtd.

I question why you want to use the "new" DTDs that are under development
at Forrest. In Cocoon we still use the document-v10 DTDs for all of the
xdocs. Do you really need the document-v1[12] DTDs or can you suffer the
current one?

There is a plan to do a bulk transformation to the new stuff, re-commit
the new xdocs to cvs, and change the sitemap for webapp docs. However, that
is complex and seems to have stalled. wiki:ForrestProposal

If Cocoon starts to use a mixture of document types, then it might further
complicate that process.


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