On Thursday, August 16, 2001, at 11:13  am, Morrison, John wrote:

>> - Update documentation. This point needs the most work, I think. The
>>   documentation is currently a bit crowded. For example we have the
>>   Sitemap documentation which explains all sitemap components, but
>>   for matchers, selectors and actions there are different documents.
>>   This should be unified and we should split the documentation into
>>   user and developer documentation. The user docs mainly for
>> installing,
>>   configuring and using c2 by creating own pipelines and using the
>>   existing components.
>>   The developer doc should contain everything needed for building
>>   own components.
> Yeah, I think.  Lot's a work though for somebody who knows the system 
> inside
> and out.
> Question: could we do this in two phases; user docs then developer? Could
> you come up with some section headings/toc?  If we (well, you until I get
> ssh through the firewall ;) committed an outline document would other
> developers help to flesh it out?

As a easier way into providing developer documentation, how about 
identifying certain relatively straightforward transformers, generators, 
actions, etc. (one of each) and then doing our best to make sure these are 
internally well documented and have test cases.  We could then point 
developers to these as examples.


Stuart Roebuck                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lead Developer                               Java, XML, MacOS X, XP, etc.
ADOLOS                                           <http://www.adolos.com/>

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