giacomo a écrit :
> Dear Cocoon team. I've counted at least 5 +1 and no -1 to make
> Gianugo a new committer here.
> Dear Brian (or who ever plays root ATM :)
> Could you please create an committer account for Gianugo Rabellino and
> grant him enough karma for the xml-cocoon, xml-cocoon2, xml-site and
> xml-commons repositories?
> Giacomo
> > I'd like to propose Gianugo Rabellino as a new commiter to the cocoon
> > community. He has produced alot of patches in the past and is very
> > engaged in the dbxml parts of cocoon which I think would be best if he
> > can do it directly in CVS rather than badging us with patches.

I was off-line since monday, and missed the votes for Gianugo and
Torsten and didn't give my +1 for them. Welcome aboard, guys.

Considering the recent new committers nominations and the number of
posts on the lists, Cocoon is more alive than ever :)


Sylvain Wallez
Anyware Technologies -

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