Ok, now that I know what Robert meant with 'promotions' I want to give
you my impressions.

1) I've been talking about this 'CVS for XML' on the Xindice-dev mail
list. Check the mail archives 


2) I believe that a KMS *must* have the ability to do version control
and workflow management. Integrated. The two together, give you

3) CVS is not enough.

4) Subversion is *much* better (http://subversion.tigris.org) but still
is 'file' based, an XML-based KMS needs 'node-granular' versioning

My dream KMS architecture is something like this:

     [frontend] - [CMS] - [backend]

where cocoon powers both 'frontend' and 'backend', CMS wraps around an
native XML database and provides versioning, access control, transparent
query filtering and all the required things. 'store' is implemented with
a mix of 'native XML databases' and 'relational databases' (depending on
the needs, still I haven't designed the whole concept, but I'm not sure
that a native XML DB is capable of doing everything without serious
performance degradation).

What do you think?

Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
                          able to give birth to a dancing star.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche

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