On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Andrew Answer wrote:

> Hello Stefano,
>   you know anything about Perl-written CVS-integrated collaboration
>   system Twiki (http://twiki.org/) and his Java servlet-based analogue
>   WebTrans (http://sourceforge.net/projects/webtrans/,
>   http://www.devtools.org/servlet/wiki/FrontPage), written by Rus
>   Heywood? May be this code can be integrated into C2...
>   Importance of this system in new ideas area. You can see to the site from
>   other point of view: as "collaboration system" instead of "publishing
>   engine" - i think, two-sided streams of data is a future of
>   web-world...
>   Now i try programming something link between systems, but i have too
>   little exp for fast work. Listen your comments...

A better place to start would be Bricolage at http://bricolage.sf.net/,
which is built on the experiences of the guys who built the Salon CMS.
It's Perl, but it's got some extremely solid ideas.

<!-- Matt -->
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