"MOODAD (Shadi LB Soft)" wrote:

I have tried the following configuration
   <map:match pattern="**.xsp">
    <map:generate type="serverpages" src="cocoon:/{1}"/>
    <map:transform src="xml2xml.xsl"/>
    <map:serialize type="html"/>

so the sitemap.xmap compile succesfully but when I make the following request: test/TestXML.xsp
I have the following error
 org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched request: test/TestXML
         at org.apache.cocoon.www.conf.cocoon.sitemap_xmap.process(sitemap_xmap.java:2921)
         at org.apache.cocoon.www.conf.cocoon.sitemap_xmap.process(sitemap_xmap.java:2393)
         at org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SitemapSource.refresh(SitemapSource.java:234)
         at org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SitemapSource.<init>(SitemapSource.java:152)
it seems like the pipeline have generate another file but without the extention.

and he search for a pipeline for that generated file
In fact what i need is to tell the cocoon to take the xsp file and execute the java script inside it then pass it to the transformer.
but it seems it doesn't pass the generation phase.
do i have to specify another type for <map:generate>

Michael Hartle wrote:

MOODAD (Shadi LB Soft) wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to generate pdf reports using the cocoon servlet.
> I have configured a pipeline like that to handle the xsp files
> / <map:pipeline>/
> / <map:match pattern="**.xsp">/
> / <map:generate type="file"/>/
> / <map:transform/>/
> / <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>/
> / </map:match>/
> / </map:pipeline>/

Uh, you got some parts wrong; both map:generate and map:transform lack a
"src" attribute which tells generators what content to start generating
from and transformers the rules how to transform what comes down the
pipeline. The Cocoon welcome page links to a fo2pdf example that may
give some help. For starters, try something like this instead:

<map:match pattern="**.xsp">
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="{1}"/>
<map:transform src="your-self-written-xsp2fo.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>

> So I got the following error with stack trace:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Could not setup pipeline.:
> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid System ID
In short, "Invalid System ID" means something like "File not found"; in
your pipeline definition, you did not even specify the "src" attribute
(the "System ID") ;)

Best regards,

Michael Hartle,
Hartle & Klug GbR

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Soft Solutions, Liban
Net Developper
Moodad Shadi


Soft Solutions, Liban
Net Developper
Moodad Shadi


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