>Apologies Fabien for the typo on your name.

>I see what you mean.  I'm not sure that anything
>exists that is in the public domain so you may have to
>write something yourself.

let's go :)

>Also, I
>know from my own experience that if you start
>developing a Java/XML/XSLT web app yourself you will
>almost inevitably end up with something that mirrors
>the functionality of Cocoon.  Think about components,
>database pooling, object pooling, what you would do
>about getting a maintainable mix of

Main chapters of my tutorial will certainly be :

I- Why my own servlets would separate content, logic, style
II- Benefit of using a framework instead of stand-alone classes calling
(existing code, pooling, ...)
III- How to extend C2 to fit our problem
(how-easy-it-is to make your own source)
IV- Why one should avoid using C2
(few unexisting docs, xsp is boring and having < in java code isn't fun
and there is not XSPOpenTool for JBuilder)
V- You are the boss, your choose (but you will spend fewer money with

Does someone have something to add ?


ps : sorry for the 'ko'... I start using ko instead of kb when sega/nintendo
start using kb for kilo-bit instead of kilo-byte... but know i'm an
engeneer, i earn money and all, I should start considering i18n problems
instead of video-game problems :)

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