Jason Foster wrote:
 >Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> But we have already the global mount:
>>     <!-- mount everything else -->
>>     <map:match pattern="*/**">
>>       <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="{1}/" uri-prefix="{1}"/>
>>     </map:match>
>> I think this is enough.
> If you're willing to add more directories to the contents of ".../webapps/
> cocoon", then sure.  However it then get trickier to determine what is 
> yours and what came with cocoon.  I use the "mount" directory as a place 
> to hold the little projects I am working on and it has been pretty 
> convenient.
> Making everything work in "mount" is as simple as putting a stub sitemap 
> in ".../webapps/cocoon/mount" that does the same "global mount" match 
> that is done at the base sitemap level.

I think that Carsten is right, we already have an automatic mount mechanism.
We should have only one way of doing it.

Or we hardcode /mount, /samples and have automount in them, or simply 
use automount from the start.

But with global automount it's easy to just delete the samples dir, 
while in the other case you need to edit the root sitemap.

I'm with Carsten here, let's make the base sitemap do automount.

In this way if the users puts the cocoon war as ROOT, each sitemap put 
in the cocoon dir automatically becomes available, similarly to what 
Tomcat does.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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