Gee, now I've been lurking about the cocoon mailing lists for years,
posting small and easily ignorable questions - and now this reply; it's
probably the first time I see: "You are my man, really. I love this." on this mailing list... thanks Stefano - nice to know that I might be on
the right path.
Hey, you saved me from writing a java compiler, isn't that something? ;-)
Actually I haven't patched pizza, just extended one of their classes ;-)
Even better.
tried to compile pizza myself but ran into some troubles getting the
bootstrap compiler for the pizza files up and running, and since extending
their classes did the trick I didn't bother too much. As a side note: I
kinda like the strongly typed hashtables of the pizza language (highly
irrelevant for the classloading matter)
The code is actually written for my employer, but he has on more occasions
agreed to let solutions sieve back to the open source community - and this
thing is really small....
A small disclaimer: I haven't tested this beast thoroughly, but I know for
sure that statements like "import java.util.logging.SocketHandler" and
"import java.util.loggging.*" work equally well - which was one of my
major concerns since all I have is a classloader (and not a jar-file) and
hence I cannot list the contents of a package (I might be wrong on this).
But it seems that the pizza compiler is doing *the right thing* (tm) and
scanning all star-imports for classes not explicitly imported.
First of all a big thank you to the Pizza people for creating the compiler
that makes my small addon possible - as written I've posted a message on
the pizzacompiler discussion forum, asking whether they would like to add
my stuff,
but no reply yet - apparently not everybody is as eager about classloding
compilers as cocoon folkes. I will immediately send of an email to the
developers asking if they could accept my stuff. In the mean time please
copy my stuff if you need it. Find attached a zip-file containing both
source and compiled version - dump the neupart-pizza.jar into WEB-INF,
edit cocoon.xconf to use the com.neupart.cocoon.pizza.ClassLoadingPizza
compiler instead of the normal Pizza compiler class - and off you go!
Great. I'll try it ASAP.
This version might not be the final say on the issue!
thanks much
Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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