Some "Debug" messages *are not* being listed when running
"build docs", yet these messages *are* being listed when
running as a webapp. This is a recent change in behaviour.

Here is an example for the entity-resolver component ...
when running as webapp (snippet from core.log) ...
DEBUG   (2002-12-18) 20:51.43:094   [core.manager] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/DefaultComponentFactory: ComponentFactory creating
 new instance of org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl.
DEBUG   (2002-12-18) 20:51.43:095   [core.manager] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/DefaultComponentFactory: logger attribute is  
DEBUG   (2002-12-18) 20:51.43:096   [core.resolver] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/ResolverImpl: Setting Catalog resolver verbosity level 
 to 1
DEBUG   (2002-12-18) 20:51.43:096   [core.resolver] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/ResolverImpl: System OASIS Catalog URL is 
DEBUG   (2002-12-18) 20:51.43:458   [core.manager] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/ThreadSafeComponentHandler: ComponentHandler
 initialized for: org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl
when doing 'build docs' (corresponding snippet from stdout) ...
DEBUG   2002-12-18 23:23:08.323 [cocoon.m] (): ComponentFactory creating
 new instance of org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl.
DEBUG   2002-12-18 23:23:08.323 [cocoon.m] (): logger attribute is 
DEBUG   2002-12-18 23:23:08.323 [        ] (): Logger for category
 core.resolver not defined in configuration. New Logger created and
DEBUG   2002-12-18 23:23:08.324 [        ] (): CommandlineContext:
DEBUG   2002-12-18 23:23:08.728 [cocoon.m] (): ComponentHandler
 initialized for: org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl

It looks like the log target identifiers are all mangled.
The debug message about "System OASIS Catalog ..."
is completely missing, as well as other debug messages
from this and other components.


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