nicolaken    2002/12/26 06:23:28

  Modified:    .        changes.xml
    <action dev="NKB" type="update">
      Moved code to new blocks: profiler, velocity.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.323     +4 -1      xml-cocoon2/changes.xml
  Index: changes.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-cocoon2/changes.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.322
  retrieving revision 1.323
  diff -u -r1.322 -r1.323
  --- changes.xml       25 Dec 2002 07:07:02 -0000      1.322
  +++ changes.xml       26 Dec 2002 14:23:28 -0000      1.323
  @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
    <release version="@version@" date="@date@">
  +  <action dev="NKB" type="update">
  +    Moved code to new blocks: profiler, velocity.
  +  </action>    
     <action dev="BH" type="update">
       Update XML Serializer, HTML Serializer , and Text Serializer documentation, 
       added XHTML Serializer documentation in the serializer user documentation 

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