on 5/28/03 1:43 AM Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

>  > Tony Collen wrote:
>  >
>  >>Hi everybody,
>  >>
>  >>I've decided to unplug for a while.
> ....
>  >>http://manero.org/weblog/
> David Crossley wrote, On 28/05/2003 2.22:
>>Thanks Tony, for all the excellent contributions that you
>>have made while you have been with us. Hope to see you back
>>again sometime. You are not alone with the "burn-out" issue.
> Yes, as some have started seeing, I'm in the "burn-out" issue too.
> I'm reducing my involvement in projects to the minimum, although I have 
> been told I must totally unplug.

I have first-hand experience that complete unplug is the way to go. If
you feel you are addicted to something, either you stop or you keep
being addicted, there is no half way thru unfortunately.

> I hope this will help me be more concretely valuable and less noisy.

Noise is what makes evolution evolutionary. ;-)

> Hope I don't have to resort to totally unplugging <fingers crossed>

Unplugging doesn't mean to never be able to come back. You can taste
wine without being a alcoholic. But if you become one, you don't taste
it anymore.

Whether one could stop being an alcoholic and start tasting wine again,
well, I don't know. :-/

>>Wishing you all the best.
> Same here, Tony.

Same here. To Tony and to all who feel burned out or fed up or whatever.

The doors of the cocoon community are always open :-)


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