on 5/28/03 7:22 AM Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>> <map:serializer name="xhtml">
>>  <map:transformer type="link-translation"/>
>>  <map:serializer type="xhtml"/>
>> <map:serializer>
>> <map:match pattern="...">
>>  <map:generate src="..."/>
>>  <map:transform src="..."/>
>>  <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
>> </map:match>
> I think this is a very useful concept. Do you remember our discussion from
> two years ago about adding url rewriting to the html serializer?

Yes I do. I've been thinking about an elegant way to solve that since
then ;-) (well not continously, of course)

> I wanted
> only to write <map:serialize type="xhtml"/> doing url rewriting and
> the usual xhtml serialization stuff and you said, adding a transformer
> before is much cleaner.

Yep. I think that anything that happens transparently is harmful in the
long-term (for example, the fact that actions don't expose the name of
the parameters the pass, unlike matchers who always use a fixed
numbering scheme)

> (Yes, sometimes I'm a little elephant remembering
> technical discussions :) ). With the concept from above we satisfy
> both of us, get a clean SoC and easy use as well. Nice!

I'm happy you like it.

>>Resources were supposed to be reusable pipelines, but *complete* ones!
>>Later, they were implemented to be usable as pipeline fragments but,
>>IMO, they impose some readability problems in the sitemap. The above
>>aims to correct that.
>>In fact, if the above is introduced, I would deprecate the use of
>>resources that do not have a complete pipeline.
> +1, the most use cases for resources I saw is exactly the thing from above.

Cool. Sounds like many people are liking this ideas.

But let's defer this for post-2.1 when I will have more sitemap-based RT
to throw in.


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