[RFI] is a new subject tag I invented right now... It means "request for
incubation"... And I'll let you imagine what I'm coming up with...

I spent the last few weeks writing a clone of Velocity (yes, yet another
Webmacro clone), and I was wondering if the Cocoon project wanted to
"incubate" it...

Nope, I don't think I am as dumb as a post, there are some quite peculiar
differences between what I wrote and Velocity/WebMacro themselves...

The most peculiar one is that I always _hated_ the fact that Velocity output
need to be passed through a parser _every_time_ the content is generated
(Velocity is stream-based, not SAX-based), so what my little template does
is that it actually parses the original template generating a set of "SAX
like" events (yeah, elements, CDATA, characters and comments are parsed and
identified as such) so, once a "template" is parsed, it will be stored (and
"replayed") as a sequence of SAX events.

I didn't invent anything, I just took the Velocity syntax, and wrote a
parser that follows the Cocoon contracts (SAX) and put them together, and
added some spice and salt...

It might not go anywhere, it might go somewhere, but if there's interest in
this community to host my "Garbage" template engine, all I ask is to have a
CVS repo and the opportunity to show you my little pet, and maybe even to
work together on it (once I get namespaces working again! :-)

For PMC records:
- subproject name: "Garbage" (as it stands right now it's a piece of trash)
- initial committer: me, and all the Cocoon committers
- mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- CVS notification list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, what do you think? (Surely I need some help to put together the brat)


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