joerg       2003/06/27 16:18:18

  Modified:    .        changes.xml
  fixed bug 20682: multiple calls on getValidity() return different DirValidity 
objects (DirectoryGenerator)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.25      +7 -4      cocoon-2.0/changes.xml
  Index: changes.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.0/changes.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.24
  retrieving revision 1.25
  diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
  --- changes.xml       21 Jun 2003 11:51:26 -0000      1.24
  +++ changes.xml       27 Jun 2003 23:18:18 -0000      1.25
  @@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
    <release version="@version@" date="@date@">
  +  <action dev="JH" type="fix" fixes-bug="20682" due-to="Wolfgang Kowarschick" 
due-to-email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
  +    Fixed return of different DirValidity objects on multiple calls on 
getValidity() in the DirectoryGenerator.
  +  </action>
     <action dev="JH" type="update" fixes-bug="20911" due-to="Jorg Heymans" 
due-to-email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
       Backported the caching from Cocoon 2.1, fixed cache key generation, fixed the 
root pattern handling
       (if not matching directory found leave out the ancestors), fixed empty src 
attribute handling.
  @@ -52,11 +55,11 @@
       hardcoded to UTF-16. It's obviously only a hack, but so it's at least usable 
for more people.
     <action dev="JH" type="fix" fixes-bug="20658" due-to="Alfred Nathaniel" 
due-to-email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
  -    fixed usage of deprecated(?)/possibly removed method XSPUtil.include() in ESQL 
  -    &lt;esql:get-xml/> by usage of convenience methods (bug 20658)
  +    Fixed usage of deprecated(?)/possibly removed method XSPUtil.include() in ESQL 
  +    &lt;esql:get-xml/> by usage of convenience methods (bug 20658).
     <action dev="JH" type="fix" fixes-bug="14977" due-to="Tony Culshaw" 
due-to-email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
  -    fixed NPE in SQLTransformer.serializeData()
  +    Fixed NPE in SQLTransformer.serializeData().
     <action dev="JH" type="update">
      Updated the XML libs to latest releases: Xalan 2.5.1, Xerces 2.4.0, xml-apis.jar.

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