On 28 Jun 2003 at 18:45, Jeff Turner wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 07:29:49AM +0100, Upayavira wrote:
> > On 28 Jun 2003 at 11:59, Jeff Turner wrote:
> ...
> > Okay. For the CLI, the cli.xconf file is the equivalent of the
> > web.xml and the user agent. 
> > 
> > Now, normally the user agent requests a URI, and that's it. It is up
> > to the user agent as to what to do with that URI.
> Oh I see.  Yep, makes sense that the 'user agent' be the one who
> decides whether or not to chase down links.
> > Are you saying that you want to put the configuration as to where
> > pages should be placed into the sitemap?
> No, that's the user agent's (CLI's) business.


> > Or an alternative would be to ask: can you always do your link view
> > with a single XSLT stage? If so:
> > 
> > <map:match pattern="page.html">
> >   <map:generate src="page.xml"/>
> >   <map:transform src="before-links.xsl"/>
> >   <map:transform type="gather-links" src="identify-links.xsl"/>
> >   <map:transform src="after-links.xsl"/> <map:serialize/>
> > </map:match>
> > 
> > So there's no hidden link gatherer. And you've got a single xslt to
> > filter, etc. Not specifying src="xxx" skips the xsl stage. The
> > output of this xsl would be xml conforming to a predefined
> > namespace.
> Having eliminated the dont-follow-these-links use-case, I don't see a
> use-case for XSLT transformations, so it simplifies to 
> <map:transform type="gather-links"/>

So are you saying you can manage without the XSLT stage? Perhaps I should 
explain what I had in mind a bit more with that - I guess I would call it a tee, a 
element with one input and two outputs. The input is passed unchanged on through 
to the next stage in the pipeline. But it is also passed through an XSLT before links 
are gathered from it.

Are you saying you can manage without this?

> It certainly fixes the hard-wired'ness problem you mention above (that
> 'content' != XML before the serializer).

And it sounds as if it could be a trivial solution.


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