
there are probably multiple ways to approach this.  I think you can change
the "docBase" in the Context for your app in Tomcat's server.xml
configuration file to point to your document root.  Alternately, you can
point Apache's DocumentRoot to your context.  For instance, if your Cocoon
application is in a directory /opt/tomcat/webapps/cocoon, you can edit
Apache's httpd.conf and change DocumentRoot to be
/opt/tomcat/webapps/cocoon.  We've done this successfully.  I can't
remember if we had to modify the mod_jk-auto.conf to do it.  If you end up
having to modify that file, I suggest you take it out of Tomcat's directory
and put it in with the Apache conf files, rename it to mod_jk.conf, and
maintain it yourself.

Before doing anything like this, though, I recommend getting familiar with
Apache's documentation on configuring Apache (particularly about
DocumentRoot, Directory, etc.) and Tomcat's documentation on configuring
Tomcat contexts.


Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  Adding root context to cocoon samples


Probably, its been answered so many times but I couldn't find it in the
archives. So, following is my question.

I am able to successfully put cocoon2 samples in my Apache+Tomcat
configuration and able to access under by adding
/cocoon context in mod_jk-auto.conf

But I am having trouble adding root context to a cocoon sample application
Hello World.

That is when I key in '', I want the web server to serve
hello application(index.xml) (For that matter any cocoon application)

Any help is appreciated.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
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