Hi Folks

    Thanks to eirik.dentz and Bryan Murphy who gave me a clue as to
the possible problem.

    So I downloaded a fresh jakarat-tomcat-3.2.2 and Cocoon-2.0B1 on
my laptop running mandrake.

    Followed the instructions on the cocoon2 web page and build cocoon.war
and had it working in a few minutes.

    If you try to install it and run it the very first time over the network on a 
machine, you will run into the problem I ran into with the Internal server error.

    So try to install and run it on the console and there after you can access Cocoon
from any where on the network

Joseph Rajkumar

PS: Hopefully this will be fixed in beta-2.
If you are interested in simulating this problem, try installing tomcat3.2.2 and 
while you are logged into the machine on which you are installing from another machine.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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