> On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Kalven Beaver wrote:
> > I'd reall like to figure this one out.  Everything
> > else seems to be working fine from the welcome screen,
> > yet hello.pdf just displays a blank screen without
> > even launching the Acrobat Reader.  Anyone had similar
> > results and if so, what the heck is the solution?
> The solution is to use a standards-compliant webbrowser.

That's not a solution. The most part of users use IE and I think that you
have to support that browser if you don't want to lose 80% of users.
I also don't like Microsoft's policy in software development when they
extend or alter standarts for their needs and make their application
incompatible. But I have to admit, that I don't see any alternative to IE
now. Old Netscapes (4.x) are poor compared to IE, the new one (6.0) seems
much better, but it's also buggy and it doesn't realize completely/correctly
all standarts, so it's not an option too. I can't say for Mozilla or Lynx,
but I think the number of Linux/UNIX users is limited to developers and
advanced users, which are not the target auditory for most of the

My personal opinion is to support two versions (presentations) for your
webapp: one - advanced - for IE, with all JavaScript, layers, iframes,
floating toolbars and other "goodies" and another one - simplified - for
Netscape, Opera, etc.

Do you think that supporting only 15%-20% of users is a good way of
application development?

    Konstantin Piroumian.

> Ulrich
> --
> Ulrich Mayring
> DENIC eG, Softwareentwicklung

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